My Fantasy Collection will re-open this weekend for new orders! All of my core collection will be available on Sunday at 2pm EST. This opening will include all three of my designs from last month’s new Ringbearers Collection - the Hilt of Narsil, the Where the Shadows Lie Suncatcher, and the Ringbearers Suncatcher.
As usual, my full sword designs are still included in separate releases, and will not be available in this opening.
I do have *two* new pieces for Sunday’s opening, one which is a permanent addition and the other is a seasonal limited design -
The first new piece is inspired by the Witch King of Angmar’s Flail Mace. You may recognize these pieces from my Where the Shadows Lie Suncatcher, but I felt the flail mace is too iconic to not be available separately. I have handpainted it in shades of silver on opaque black glass to give the impression of three dimensionality.
The second piece is a Springtime Leaves of Lórien. I had not originally been planning to do a Spring version of my Leaves of Lórien Suncatcher, but during a recent re-reading of The Lord of the Rings I came to the chapter when the Fellowship entered Lothlórien, and a description is given of what the trees would have looked like in Spring - with pale green leaves and covered in yellow/golden flowers. I instantly knew what my interpretation would look like, and here we are!
This is in the same style as my regular Leaves of Lórien Suncatcher, but in a paler green glass, and with the addition of a pale gold/yellow flower extending from the leaf. This design will be available in a limited quantity, and will not be available in future openings.
As usual, feel free to check my FAQs for current shipping times, or drop me an email if you have any other questions!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend,